This has been a huge year for Viola Davis thanks to her hit TV show “How To Get Away With Murder,” which has scored the actress a Golden Globe nomination for Best Actress in a TV Drama. To celebrate the night and the honor, Davis stepped out in a stunning Donna Karan Atelier gown. We’re used to seeing the 49-year-old star wear bold colors, so this regal red number is spot-on with her signature look. Between that embellished dress, tousled bob, red pout and glowing skin, Viola is definitely one of the night’s best-dressed stars. What do you think of Viola’s ensemble? PHOTOS:

This has been a huge year for Viola Davis thanks to her hit TV show “How To Get Away With Murder,” which has scored the actress a Golden Globe nomination for Best Actress in a TV Drama. To celebrate the night and the honor, Davis stepped out in a stunning Donna Karan Atelier gown.

We’re used to seeing the 49-year-old star wear bold colors, so this regal red number is spot-on with her signature look. Between that embellished dress, tousled bob, red pout and glowing skin, Viola is definitely one of the night’s best-dressed stars.

What do you think of Viola’s ensemble?


viola davis
viola davis

Read this article – 

Viola Davis’ Gets Regal In Red At The Golden Globes And Takes Our Breath Away