Stop Dating Men Who Want To 'Fix You'



Men love to fix things. It probably has a lot to do with the toys they played with when they were little boys. Boy toys are things like Lincoln Logs, or plastic tool belts, or train tracks that come in pieces to be put together and taken apart and put back together in a new way, whenever they want. Girls can play with these toys too, but most of them are marketed toward boys, who are taught early on that it’s an admirable and masculine quality to be able to fix things with your own hands.

A lot of those boys grow up and become men who forget about fixing things and become bankers or writers instead. Some love fixing things so much that they grow up and become construction workers or handymen. And others — and this is the worst option — decide they want to move onto something new, and fix women. This is the Fix You guy, and you’ve probably dated him.


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