Source: LAURA BUCKMAN / Getty

A San Antonio, Texas police officer has been fired after putting fecal matter between two pieces of bread and feeding it to a homeless person.

According to MySanAntonio.comSan Antonio City Council members were briefed about the incident on Thursday in a private session and agreed the Officer Matthew Luckhurst should be terminated.

His actions were a betrayal of every value we have in our community, and he is not representative of our great police force,” said Mayor Ivy Taylor.

In a prepared statement, Chief William McManus called the incident “vile” and “disgusting.”

[This] act (sic) violates our guiding principles of ‘treating all with integrity, compassion, fairness and respect,’ he said.

He also wanted to express that other officers turned Luckhurst in and that his behavior does not represent the rest of this city’s police force.

The fact that his fellow officers were so disgusted with his actions that they reported him to Internal Affairs demonstrates that this type of behavior will never be tolerated. The action of this one former officer in no way reflects the actions of all the other good men and women who respectfully serve this community,” he added.

Apparently, the alleged incident occurred in May and afterwords, the five-year veteran bragged about it with his fellow officers. He was later reported to Internal Affairs in July, however, officials have been unable to find the homeless man to get his side of the story.

Luckhurst’s lawyer Ben Sifuentes says that his client didn’t really feed the man feces — it was a joke that “spiraled out of control.” And given that there are no eyewitnesses or video recordings and no statement from the homeless person to prove the incident occurredLuckhurst has been “unfairly persecuted.” he stressed.

It didn’t happen,” Sifuentes said. “I’m confident that in arbitration, we will prevail,” he added.

But who actually jokes about stuff like that?


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