Brandon McCartney, also known as Lil B, also known as The BasedGod has a lot of names and, seemingly, a lot of hobbies. Most recently he launched a vegan emoji app. The rapper partnered with the vegan company Follow Your Heart (producers of the mayonnaise alternative, Vegenaise) to create vegEMOJI, an emoji app that features cute vegan foods and sayings like, “Cool people are kind to animals” and “Let’s meet at the farmers market.” Lil B told The Daily Dot that he’s learning to code and helps with the design of all of his apps (including Basedmoji, which unveiled last fall). The performer doesn’t keep a vegan diet himself; he is, …
Brandon McCartney, also known as Lil B, also known as The BasedGod has a lot of names and, seemingly, a lot of hobbies. Most recently he launched a vegan emoji app.
The rapper partnered with the vegan company Follow Your Heart (producers of the mayonnaise alternative, Vegenaise) to create vegEMOJI, an emoji app that features cute vegan foods and sayings like, “Cool people are kind to animals” and “Let’s meet at the farmers market.”
Lil B told The Daily Dot that he’s learning to code and helps with the design of all of his apps (including Basedmoji, which unveiled last fall). The performer doesn’t keep a vegan diet himself; he is, reportedly, “ashamed of eating meat,” but feels closely connected to the vegan cause. “I don’t normally like to align myself with companies, but I really support what they are doing,” he said to the Daily Dot. “I only want to do things that help people.” And sometimes animals, it seems.
The free app is currently available for download in the iTunes store and Follow Your Heart says that they’re working on an Android version. Once a user downloads the app, he or she can send the objectively adorable emoticons to all of their contacts — even ones who don’t have the app on their smartphones.
While the pairing sounds a little, well, random, the act of publicly promoting veganism appears to be on trend. Beyonce (also not a vegan) just launched a vegan home delivery meal service and IKEA recently announced that they’ll be adding vegan meatballs to their menu. A change is gonna come.
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Rapper Lil B Launches Vegan Emoji App, Because That Egg In A Skillet Isn’t For Everyone