New York City is fun as hell. Every night you can find somewhere to go, something to drink, someone to meet, some reason to blow more money than you feel comfortable blowing. But that also means it’s really hard to concentrate on what matters! Like, your homework. Or your work-work. Or professional basketball! So it’s safe to say that J.R. Smith, who was recently traded to the Cleveland Cavaliers after roaming the streets of New York as a Knick, was speaking for all New Yorkers when he talked to’s David Aldridge about the benefits of finally moving out of the Big Apple. Below, some thoughts on his new hometown of Cleveland…

New York City is fun as hell.

Every night you can find somewhere to go, something to drink, someone to meet, some reason to blow more money than you feel comfortable blowing.

But that also means it’s really hard to concentrate on what matters! Like, your homework. Or your work-work. Or professional basketball!

So it’s safe to say that J.R. Smith, who was recently traded to the Cleveland Cavaliers after roaming the streets of New York as a Knick, was speaking for all New Yorkers when he talked to’s David Aldridge about the benefits of finally moving out of the Big Apple.

Below, some thoughts on his new hometown of Cleveland, but, if you read between the lines, you’ll realize he’s really talking about NYC. We’re going to replace the word “basketball” with “work” so it translates for all you non-basketball fans out there:

I think this is the best situation for me, ’cause there’s nothing but [work]. There’s nothing you expect but [work]. There’s nothing, there’s no going out, there’s no late nights. There’s video games, [work] and [work]. So it’s a great thing, ’cause I go back to where I came from. When I grew up, I never, I wasn’t allowed to go out. I missed my prom because I went to an AAU tournament, and all that stuff. For me, it was [work], [work], [work]. And then when I got in the situation where I was at an early age, it was more, alright, let me see what this life is about, as opposed to just keep going. So now, I get the chance to get back to my roots.

Ugh, there are so many things to note here. Let’s break it down:

I think this is the best situation for me, ’cause there’s nothing but [work]. There’s nothing you expect but [work].

Yes! It really is most important to follow your passions in life.

There’s nothing, there’s no going out, there’s no late nights. There’s video games, [work] and [work].

Wow, yes! It’s really too easy to go out to a bar right after work and stay out until who knows when in New York City, rather than go home to put in some hours on that comic book or whatever it is you really want to do with your life.

I missed my prom because I went to an AAU tournament, and all that stuff.

Yes!!! J.R. is saying what too many of us know to be true: We used to work harder back in high school, and we’ve sort of slacked off since then.

And then when I got in the situation where I was at an early age, it was more, alright, let me see what this life is about, as opposed to just keep going.


So now, I get the chance to get back to my roots.

That settles it. I’m moving back to Los Angeles.

H/T Deadspin

Original source:  

J.R. Smith Just Said Some Stuff Every New Yorker Is Going To Really Relate To