As season one of Fox’s breakout series, “Empire,” comes to an end on Wednesday with a special two hour season finale, the hysteria surrounding the show is expected to carry over into season two. Since the show has amassed such a large following, we’ve decided to poll “Empire” viewers on a few recurring questions that have surfaced since its Jan. 7 premiere. Are you a fan or a critic of the show? We want to know your thoughts!
As season one of Fox’s breakout series, “Empire,” comes to an end on Wednesday with a special two hour season finale, the hysteria surrounding the show is expected to carry over into season two.
Since the show has amassed such a large following, we’ve decided to poll “Empire” viewers on a few recurring questions that have surfaced since its Jan. 7 premiere. Are you a fan or a critic of the show? We want to know your thoughts!
Continued here –
How Much Of An Impact Did The First Season Of ‘Empire’ Have On Its Viewers? (POLL)