Hillary Clinton On The Worst GOP Candidate For Women: 'It’s A Nine-Way Tie'



Hillary Clinton is concerned for the future of women’s reproductive rights. 

In a recent interview with Cosmopolitan.com, the Democratic presidential candidate discussed her economic plan if elected and how she feels about Bernie Sanders clinching the young Democratic vote. Clinton also emphasized her concern for women’s reproductive health and rights if a Republican candidate is elected to office. 

When asked which of the GOP presidential candidates Clinton thinks is most concerning for young women, she called it a “nine-way tie” — especially when it comes to reproductive health issues. “All the Republican candidates are on the wrong side of this issue,” Clinton told Cosmo. “They’ve all got the wrong ideas about women’s health and bodies and autonomy and futures.”

Clinton laid out just how dangerous it could be for women if women’s health clinics like Planned Parenthood were defunded, which all GOP front-runners have expressed willingness to do. “If you look just at the question of reproductive health, it’s clear just how dangerous — really truly dangerous — their ideas are,” Clinton told Cosmo. “Every single Republican candidate would work to roll back the clock on safe and legal abortion. Some would even prohibit it in cases of rape or incest.” 

Clinton said that history has proven how dangerous it is for women when abortion is outlawed. “When it’s harder to get a safe abortion, desperate women will get unsafe abortions. History is very clear on that,” she said. “If we care about the lives and health of women and girls, we have to protect access to safe and legal abortion.”

If Planned Parenthood were defunded, women who rely on it would have limited access to a range of health care services, not just abortion. “[Defunding Planned Parenthood] means less funding for mammograms, cervical cancer screenings, HIV tests, and other essential health care that women — especially low-income women — depend on to stay healthy, and even to stay alive,” Clinton told Cosmo. 

I wish the Republican candidates would talk to mothers who caught their breast cancer early because they got screened, thanks to Planned Parenthood,” she said. “Or young women who avoided unintended pregnancies, and were able to graduate college and start families when they felt more prepared to give their kids a great life.” 

Head over to Cosmopolitan.com to read Clinton’s entire interview. 

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