Hate Costs Workers Dearly



The GOP debate last week featured more immigrant bashing with the party’s front-runner, Donald Trump, reasserting his plan to construct a wall – this one a religious barrier preventing Muslims from getting into the country.

Trump has mocked a disabled journalist and Asian speech patterns, demonized undocumented immigrants as rapists and approved violence against a Black Lives Matter protester.  And he’s no outlier in the GOP. Chris Christie said he’d block even five-year-old orphaned Muslims from entering the United States. Ted Cruz denigrated gay people, urging states to ignore the U.S. Supreme Court ruling on marriage equality.

Since Nixon, this hate mongering has been GOP strategy to secure the vote of white workers. It’s a scam to get workers to fight among themselves. Republicans persuade white workers that blacks are taking their jobs through affirmative action. The GOP tells black workers that undocumented immigrants are taking their jobs. And now, the GOP warns, everyone should be afraid, be very, very afraid of Muslims. 


Meanwhile, back in Washington, D.C., the 1 percent took everybody’s everything. They got every rule change and tax break and special deal that they sought to further enrich themselves. Their incomes skyrocketed. That didn’t happen for white workers or black workers or women workers or any kind of workers. Workers haven’t had a raise in 30 years. No wonder they’re looking for someone to blame. But fellow workers aren’t at fault.

Last year, the AFL-CIO established the Labor Commission on Racial and Economic Justice to foster discussion among all workers about how the politics of hatred has enriched the wealthy and deprived the rest. I co-chair the commission with Marc Perrone, president of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union.

We’ve conducted forums in cities across the country and will continue those this year. Last week, we issued a report called Race and Economic Jeopardy for All by Ian Haney Lopez, a Berkeley law professor and director of the Racial Politics Project at Berkeley’s Haas Institute for a Fair and Inclusive Society. The report explains exactly how politicians’ deliberate use of racism has hurt workers ­– black, Latino, women, gay and white – while, simultaneously, advancing the agenda of the 1 percent.

Over the past several days in Washington, D.C., the AFL-CIO has brought together more than a thousand workers, including a delegation of hundreds from my union, the United Steelworkers, to discuss these issues at a convention that will end on Martin Luther King Day. This and the earlier meetings have been communions of workers of all ages, genders, religions and colors, enabling us to hear each other’s experiences, anxieties, fears and solutions.

The weird thing about hate is that it diminishes both the hater and the hated. The racial and religious hatred purveyed by the GOP didn’t improve the pay of white workers. They suffered wage stagnation just like everybody else. That’s because separated, workers are weak. Unions have always known that. To secure power, workers must stand together.

And workers’ common interests – better wages and better lives for themselves and their families – are much more significant than differences in skin tone or place of worship or gender.

Granted, the white worker and the black worker look different. But both want to go to work every day for decent wages. Both want to buy a home and have some kids and send them to good schools. Black and white hope to retire with dignity. Neither received a raise, considering inflation, in 30 years. Together they’ve suffered factory closures and jobs shipped overseas. There are no white pension plans or black pension plans. All pension plans are being gutted.

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