Welcome to this week’s ALL TOGETHER, the podcast dedicated to exploring how religion and spiritual practice is informing our personal lives, our communities and our world. ALL TOGETHER is hosted by Rev. Paul Brandeis Raushenbush, the executive editor of HuffPost Religion. On Wednesday, December 3rd a Staten Island grand jury decided not to indict the officer Daniel Pantaleo who put Eric Garner in a choke hold last summer and would not release as Garner repeated the phrase ‘I can’t breath’. Pantaleo is white, Garner was black. The announcement came just a week after a grand jury in Ferguson refused to indict a white …
Welcome to this week’s ALL TOGETHER, the podcast dedicated to exploring how religion and spiritual practice is informing our personal lives, our communities and our world. ALL TOGETHER is hosted by Rev. Paul Brandeis Raushenbush, the executive editor of HuffPost Religion.
On Wednesday, December 3rd a Staten Island grand jury decided not to indict the officer Daniel Pantaleo who put Eric Garner in a choke hold last summer and would not release as Garner repeated the phrase ‘I can’t breath’. Pantaleo is white, Garner was black.
The announcement came just a week after a grand jury in Ferguson refused to indict a white offer named Darren Wilson who shot and killed Michael Brown, unarmed black teenager, and Tamir Rice, a 12 year old African American boy was shot by police in Cleveland.
The news about the Garner case came like a slap across the face, causing tears of outrage and deep sorrow. But it has also provided a much needed wake up call to the horrors of racism in our country and hopefully provide a rallying cry of Enough! – this kind of bias in our policing and justice system must end today.
Raushenbush spoke with three pastors who restored some of his faith and hope. Rev. Anthony Lee, Rev. Dr. Jacqueline Lewis, and Rev. Dr. Jennifer Harvey don’t paint a rosy picture but by their fierce spiritual convictions and the powerful actions they are taking in response to the scourge of racism in America will be like a balm to listeners
As The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King taught us “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.” Let’s all get loud today about ending racism in this world. This won’t be the end of the struggle, but if all American raise our voices it could be the beginning of the end of racism.
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Freeing Ourselves From The Chokehold of Racism: ALL TOGETHER Podcast