“Destiny is not for comfort seekers. Destiny is for the daring and determined who are willing to endure some discomfort, delay gratification, and go where destiny leads.” ~ T.D. Jakes
“We ask God for signs, wonders and miracles, but refuse to go into circumstances where we need them.” — Christine Caine
One may believe that a happy life eschews pain and discomfort by all costs. But, in truth, life opens up to us and expands when we’re squeezed and pushed through discomfort. Our emotional constriction, which creates our discomfort, begins to soften and expand when we lean into our discomfort. Moreover, our dreams are actualized through moments of confusion, doubt, fear, and uncertainty. So, when we’re pushed into our discomfort zone, we’re better able to witness and cultivate new skills that will propel us to new heights in our spiritual, emotional, and physical evolution.
How many of us can say that we have grown and transformed the most when we are “seemingly” sailing through life? Not many of us. When things appear superficially “perfect” and aligned in our lives, what could possibly ignite us toward growth and realizing God’s deeper purpose for our lives?
However, what indubitably pushes us toward greater fulfillment and purpose in our lives is when we’re tightly squeezed and pushed through discomfort. The physical manifestation of the contrast between what we deeply desire on a soulful level to what is actually showing up in our lives, creates the emotional and spiritual dissonance for us to push through and create transformation.
Transformation is accelerated in our lives through pain and discomfort. Such that, God will use different people, events, and circumstances to show up in our lives that cause us aggravation and distress, as a catalyst for growth and inspiration. Personally, I created a life that I dreamed of, living on a paradise island as a Life & Spiritual Coach & Teacher, not by coasting through life and feeling on top of the world. No. My life was radically changed when I hit my lowest point. When my pain and suffering had become enough.
Through pain and suffering, my heart opened up to greater transparency for God’s light to shine through and heal, motivate, and push me at deeper levels. Surely, the pressure was strong and tightening, but the more pressure I experienced, the harder I fought. Had I experienced continued success selling real estate in New York City, perhaps with money flowing in easily and effortlessly, and joy living in a city that stole my heart 19 years ago, I would not be living the life of my dreams right now. I’d still be living a life that was content and good, but truthfully, mediocre in the eyes of God. But, God doesn’t want GOOD ENOUGH for our lives, he wants GREAT!
So where is discomfort showing up in your life? Is it in a relationship? A job? Your living circumstances? Your finances? Your health? Or a lack of balance in your life? Consider each difficulty as a message that God has something better and more meaningful for your life. As we release the need to pity ourselves in difficult times and rather use discomfort as the catalyst toward change, we create an opportunity for greater richness and joy in our lives. Discomfort and pressure will always show up. To the extent that, although my life is greater than it’s ever been, there are newer and completely different experiences of discomfort that appear. But, with greater awareness I now recognize that my discomfort shows me that there’s still more for me to see and do in my life. This inspires me to work harder and explore my path with greater curiosity and determination.
Today, find peace with your discomfort. Embrace the stickiness. Ask for its lessons and guidance. Trust that your uneasiness is the vehicle to catapult you to places you’ve never been before. Use discomfort to your advantage in creating a life you dream of.