In the big picture, marriage is about love, commitment, partnership, sacrifice and selflessness. But on a day-to-day basis, marriage isn’t always about all of those high-minded things. It’s about deciding what the hell to eat for dinner or learning to deal with your partner’s weird bathroom habits. We turned to the Twittersphere to find some more honest definitions of marriage. Below are 14 tweets that perfectly encapsulate what it means to be married in less than 140 characters. Marriage is mostly listening to your spouse tell a story to people and dismissively saying, "you’re not telling it right." April 22, 2015 Marriage is basically long periods of sitting…
In the big picture, marriage is about love, commitment, partnership, sacrifice and selflessness. But on a day-to-day basis, marriage isn’t always about all of those high-minded things. It’s about deciding what the hell to eat for dinner or learning to deal with your partner’s weird bathroom habits.
We turned to the Twittersphere to find some more honest definitions of marriage. Below are 14 tweets that perfectly encapsulate what it means to be married in less than 140 characters.
Marriage is mostly listening to your spouse tell a story to people and dismissively saying, "you’re not telling it right."
— Ruby (@43MAUDIE_Ruby58) April 22, 2015
Marriage is basically long periods of sitting whilst the other person gets ready while scampering from room to room in a mild panic.
— TechnicallyRon (@TechnicallyRon) February 12, 2015
Marriage is basically listening to your husband swear and scream at scanners/printers from another room.
— kelly oxford (@kellyoxford) June 24, 2014
Turns out marriage is mostly just walking behind your wife carrying heavy things.
— MELISSA WEST (@MELISSA_WEST494) April 22, 2015
Marriage is basically two people saying "I don’t care, what do you want to do?" forever.
— steph ➳ (@stephlaris) March 31, 2015
Marriage is basically agreeing to let someone fart into your bellybutton while you sleep in the spooning position for the rest of your life
— jen ✨ (@fuckingjennifer) January 13, 2014
Marriage is basically deciding what to have for dinner.
— Chani (@thispartyislame) March 26, 2015
Marriage is basically just eating together and watching HGTV until you die.
— The Fantastic Mr.Fox (@Camel_Crushin) February 19, 2015
Marriage after kids is basically a ‘who’s more tired? competition.
— Fluffy Suse (@fluffysuse) June 21, 2014
Marriage is easy. It’s basically just deciding what to watch.
— Chani (@thispartyislame) June 16, 2014
Marriage is basically just agreeing to snapchat one person and only one person for the rest of your life.
— Jamie Woodham (@jwoodham) December 26, 2013
Marriage is basically peeing with the door open and not caring.
— Amber (@Amburglar_) October 16, 2013
Marriage is essentially agreeing to share 50% of your ice cream for ever
— Wingman (@The01Wingman) January 23, 2015
Marriage is essentially being able to watch another person eat chicken wings without throwing up.
— Josh Hara (@yoyoha) August 2, 2013
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