Amandla Stenberg Says She 'Identifies As A Black, Bisexual Woman'



Actress, activist and all-around badass Amandla Stenberg said on Thursday being silenced is a really hard thing to do, which explains why the teen has been so vocal about race. 

Stenberg took over Teen Vogue’s Snapchat account Thursday night — in honor of her epic cover story for the magazine — where she shared an empowering video that mentioned her sexuality, too. 

“As someone who identifies as a black, bisexual woman I’ve been through it, and it hurts, and it’s awkward and it’s uncomfortable… but then I realized because of Solange and Ava DuVernay and Willow and all the black girls watching this right now, that there’s absolutely nothing to change,” she said.

Watch her inspiring message below:

Stenberg went on to stress the importance of representation and better inclusion of bisexual, gay and transgender women.

“I’m sick of all the misogyny and homophobia and transphobia I see around me, she said. “And I know you are, too.” 

On Friday, Stenberg wrote a tweet to share her snapchat message and signed off with “Bi black girls unite.” 

Stenberg has consistently spoken out about important issues in the black community, enough to earn her recognition as the “voice of her generation.” 

“I think that as a black girl you grow up internalizing all these messages that say you shouldn’t accept your hair or your skin tone or your natural features, or that you shouldn’t have a voice, or that you aren’t smart,” Stenberg said in her Teen Vogue cover story.

“I feel like the only way to fight that is to just be yourself on the most genuine level and to connect with other black girls who are awakening and realizing that they’ve been trying to conform.”

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