There are many things wrong with this story. Let’s try to attack them all, shall we? Yes. Let’s.

First off, Young, while being the victim here, is still in the wrong. He’s clearly a cheater, and while this is no way for anybody to find out, my man has some work to do in the “about to be a husband” department. Sure, he’s no Christopher Columbus in the cheating-on-his-#bae lane, but still, do better, Swaggy P. Of course, the lesson he probably learned is not to answer questions about his personal business … not the one more pertinent to his life: Don’t cheat.

Now that we got that out the way, Russell can never be trusted again. For one, why the hell are you hittin’ Swaggy P (who, again, answered the questions) with interview questions about his exploits? If you ask me a question about my personal life, I am likely to answer, but you ask two in a row and I’ll start inquiring why you’re all up in my Kool-Aid. And I’m going to want an answer. “I’m just asking” is not a sufficient response.

If I’m Swaggy P, I’m definitely on high alert. Clearly, he viewed Russell as a friend and somebody he could trust with that information. Or, more likely, he viewed Russell as somebody like him, living a life full of excess and f–kery as an NBA player. There’s a code there, right? What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Lesson learned.

But Russell asked questions and Swaggy P answered, while being taped, unbeknownst to him. How did he find out? After he answered, Russell said, “Thanks for telling this to my phone,” or something like it. All bad, fam. Just all bad.

Why there wasn’t a fight that night is beyond me.

But Swaggy is telling tales out of school. Russell is recording them. And then boom … the video leaks.