2013 BET Experience - BET Revealed Seminars

Source: Chelsea Lauren / Getty

Y’all president, who can barely spell on Twitter or put together a coherent sentence without reading it off a teleprompter, has the audacity to question someone else’s intelligence.

And can you believe that it was Congresswoman Maxine Waters of all people!

At the annual Gridiron Club Dinner held on Saturday night, an event known for “poking fun” at politicians, Donald Trump took it a step too far when he claimed on stage that Waters “has to immediately take an IQ test.”

This is VERY RICH coming from a man believed that Frederick Douglas was still alive, but hey, what do we know?!

Clearly, Auntie Maxine had her clapback all the way ready during a recent appearance on MSNBC’s AM Joy With Joy Reid.

“This President has been called stupid, he has been called ignorant, and even his Secretary of State did not deny that he called him a moron. And so he has no credibility,” she said on Sunday morning.

Waters added that she expected him to say “racist remarks about me” and that she was told by others in attendance that “he wasn’t funny at all.”

Waters concluded her interview talking about the one word we all love to hear: Impeachment.

“The most important thing this country can do now is impeach this president and make sure we get rid of him and get ready for Pence in 2020.”

Take a look:

Oh, and then there were these Tweets:


Trump also tried to shade Former Vice President Joe Biden claiming he could “kick his ass.”

“There’s talk about Joe Biden, Sleepy Joe, getting into the race,” Trump said at the dinner. “You know what he said, ‘I want to take him behind the barn.’”

“Just trust me, I would kick his ass. Boy, would he be easy,” Trump went on. “Oh, would he be easy.”


Obama would never.


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