Consent, Explained, for People Who Still Don’t Get It



First, I’m going to need you to remove “sex parts” from your vocabulary. Like, forever. Take it out back, shoot it in the face, burn it and feed its remains to a pigeon.

Are you done feeding the pigeons yet?

OK. Well, let me paint a scenario for you:

Let’s say you asked to borrow my car for tomorrow. And I was like, “Sure! You can borrow the hell out of my car tomorrow!” And then tomorrow came. And you came by to borrow the car. But I changed my mind and said, “Not today.” And then, you went and took the keys and the car anyway. That would be car theft—a crime—right?

Would it still be a crime if you really were looking forward to borrowing the car?

How about if I gave you the reason for not allowing you to borrow the car today and you didn’t agree with it.