Dear White People


Recently, many white people expressed their disgust (via social media) that the role of Annie, which has traditionally been played by white girls with red hair, was now being played by Quvenzhané Wallis, who just happens to be African American. Then, when Sony executives announce that Idris Elba will likely take over as James Bond, you would have thought the world was coming to an end… or at least that is what some white people thought. Now before you start shouting that “blacks are destroying everything that is white” or that “political correctness is destroying America,” here is some historical fact that will prove otherwise.

Recently, many white people expressed their disgust (via social media) that the role of Annie, which has traditionally been played by white girls with red hair, was now being played by Quvenzhané Wallis, who just happens to be African American. Then, when Sony executives announce that Idris Elba will likely take over as James Bond, you would have thought the world was coming to an end… or at least that is what some white people thought. Now before you start shouting that “blacks are destroying everything that is white” or that “political correctness is destroying America,” here is some historical fact that will prove otherwise.


Dear White People