Finding steady employment can be a challenge! There are so many obstacles all the way from having the right qualifications and credentials to having the experience to knowing someone within the organization, not to mention all the people who are competing for the same exact position! Never fear, your individuality is here! Often times we look for ways to make ourselves stand out and the secret is simply to be your best self. So before you apply for a job, ask yourself “Am I my best self?” Do a test. Go look at yourself in the mirror (for starters). …


Finding steady employment can be a challenge! There are so many obstacles all the way from having the right qualifications and credentials to having the experience to knowing someone within the organization, not to mention all the people who are competing for the same exact position! Never fear, your individuality is here! Often times we look for ways to make ourselves stand out and the secret is simply to be your best self. So before you apply for a job, ask yourself “Am I my best self?”

Do a test. Go look at yourself in the mirror (for starters). Are you well groomed? Take a look at your resume and cover letter that you’ve been using as a coaster. Is it up to date? Does it represent all of your best qualities? Take out a sheet of paper and list everything that you’re great at. Have you been cheating yourself out of the credit that you deserve? Or how about your social media presence. Do you live a separate life online than you do offline? Employers care about about the way you think. Today they use social media as part of a background check because we often post what we think. Your offline presence, is equally important. Wearing a suit with white tube socks or a top that shows off your cleavage might turn a potential employer off, which will have a great impact on his/her hiring decision.

So before you walk into anyone’s office asking for an interview or a job, interview yourself! When you’re done, you will look your best, feel your best and represent your best self when applying, interviewing and working on the job. You see, when you’re able to affectively communicate who you are, what you believe and what you were placed on this earth to do, an employer will feel much more confident that you can handle similar tasks. Which brings me to my next point. Apply for jobs that are in alignment with who you are, what you believe, and what you were placed on this earth to do. You could have dreams of becoming an NFL player for example, and find a way to position yourself working in the stadium. Sure, you haven’t exactly made it to where you want to go, but you’re close.

Don’t be afraid to take on a lesser job that could possibly lead you to a greater job. If you start at the bottom, prove to everyone around you why you deserve to be at the top and before you know it, you will be there. Below are 7 Tips For Finding Employment. When getting ready to seek new employment, use the following tips and you’ll be that much closer to gaining financial freedom and peace of mind. GO!

1) Evaluate yourself! Who are you? What value do you bring? Why would anyone hire you?

2) Clean up you social media! Would an employer hire you based on what you post on FB, IG and Twitter?

3) List your objective! Do you want to work full-time or part-time? What’s your salary requirement? Ideal workplace?

4) Create a strategy! Update cover letter & resume, conduct a daily job search, research each company, apply & follow up.

5) Grooming and Appearance! First impressions are everything. Shave, style and groom yourself and wear attire that is appropriate for the workplace.

6) Celebrate your unique qualities! Use your resume to showcase your education, skills, relationships & accomplishments.

7) Use your network! Reach out to your family, friends and associates for leads on employment opportunities.

8) Set daily quotas! How many applications will you send each day?

9) Set a deadline! How soon do you want to be employed?

10) Don’t give up! Success only comes to those who go it! You won’t get the job unless you fully apply yourself.

Job Sources:

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-Cheyenne Bostock

Excerpt from: 

10 Tips For Finding Employment