Since the announcement of a St. Louis County grand jury’s decision to not indict Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson for the killing of Michael Brown on Monday evening, thousands of Americans have responded via protests across the country. Following a night of more than 40 arrests in Ferguson, one video broadcasts the repercussions of what could potentially happen to some demonstrators. Yesterday during a segment on HuffPost Live, activist & organizer DeRay Mckesson captured footage from the scene of a protest in Missouri where a female protester is carried away by police officers. Watch the video above. More On Ferguson From HuffPost: Photographic Evidence Reveals | ‘First Year Law Student Could Have Done Better Job’…
Since the announcement of a St. Louis County grand jury’s decision to not indict Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson for the killing of Michael Brown on Monday evening, thousands of Americans have responded via protests across the country.
Yesterday during a segment on HuffPost Live, activist & organizer DeRay Mckesson captured footage from the scene of a protest in Missouri where a female protester is carried away by police officers.
Watch the video above.
More On Ferguson From HuffPost:
Photographic Evidence Reveals | ‘First Year Law Student Could Have Done Better Job’ | 61 Arrested | Ferguson Smolders After Night Of Fires | Protest Locations | Americans Deeply Divided | Police Chief: ‘Worse Than The Worst Night We Had In August’ | What You Can Do | Darren Wilson Interview | Darren Wilson Could Still Face Consequences | Timeline | Students Protest | Photos Of Darren Wilson’s Injuries Released | Shooting Witness Admitted Racism In Journal | Peaceful Responses Show The U.S. At Its Best | Reactions To Ferguson Decision | Prosecutor Gives Bizarre Press Conference | Notable Black Figures React | Jury Witness: ‘By The Time I Saw His Hands In The Air, He Got Shot’ | Thousands Protest Nationwide |
Check out DeRay Mckesson’s footage in the clip above.