Trump candidacy is a complete disaster for the GOP, but they have no one to blame but themselves. The GOP and their media attack dog Fox News have been riling up these GOP tea party fanatics for 7 years directing their racist vitriolic rhetoric toward President Obama and trying to delegitimize his presidency.

Well guess what folks, the proverbial chickens — in this case Donald Trump — have come home to roost. GOP now must reap with it sowed. The GOP is terrified now. The Republican establishment is beside themselves with fear and recriminations among themselves. Don’t be fooled the GOP is in complete chaos no matter what they tell you. Trump has upended the whole GOP party. They have created a monster which they cannot control.

This is probably the most important election in my lifetime and the GOP’s standard bearer is a buffoon. The GOP is terrified because they know if Trump wins the Republican nomination he will be crushed by Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders — well I am not sure about Bernie yet but I love him and his platform — in the general election and their chances of regaining the White House will disappear for maybe a decades of more.

Trump is destroying any chance the GOP will have now or in the future to cultivate and gain the Latino vote. Any candidate running for president now and in the future if they expect to be elected will without question need the Latino vote. It is about the changing demographics of America. These are fact that cannot be disputed. America is becoming more black and brown by the minute. The Latino community in America is a rapidly growing population and the White population is actually on a downward trajectory.

I hope Trump wins SC and steamrolls his way to the Republican nomination. GOP will never recover if that happens. The Congress will be the next to fall to the Democrats. Americans are really tired of these right-wing crazies trying to change America into a Christian theocracy. Moreover, they have proven that they can’t govern and they obstruct everything if they don’t get their way which is all the time like petulant child. The GOP love to talk about small government, but all of their policies are big government in practice, in particular on the issue of abortion. They have a crazy obsession and derangement with controlling a woman’s right to her own body. It is the most intrusive thing the government or anyone can do. They are the pigs in Animal Farm.

I am so glad this racist, xenophobic, misogynist, fascist Trump has hijacked the GOP Party. The Congress will be the next to fall to the Democrats. Americans are sick and tired of these right-wing politicians trying to change America in a theocracy. What is up with all the god speak? I never really the actual application of Christian values the GOP like to speak so much about. All I see is their lack of compassion and contempt for the everyday working Americans. There is a separation of church and state but they insist on inserting religion, particularly, Christianity in everything.

The GOP try to shove their faith, their radical policies that favor the rich and power as well as their contempt for working class and middle class down American’s throat. Americans are starting to see just what the GOP is all about with their bogus self-righteous values, and morals and with Trump their hypocrisy this is on full display for America and world to see.

Grab your popcorn folks, it’s going to be very entertaining and fun watching the GOP party completely burned to the ground. And your know what? America will be a better country for it.

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