After her relationship ended last spring, Brooklyn-based graphic artist Isabella Giancarlo couldn’t shake the words she and her ex exchanged during the breakup. 

“For me, a loss of appetite typically accompanies the end of a relationship so I thought, how could I sweeten words that initially took my appetite away?” she told HuffPost.

The answer to that question is Eat Your Heart Out, a witty — and totally delicious looking — photo series that uses cakes and pies to tell breakup stories. 

Isabella Giancarlo

Initially, Giancarlo used her own words of heartbreak as inspiration, but soon enough, friends and strangers began submitting stories on her site. 

Isabella Giancarlo

“The most common response when people see the photos is ‘oof’ or a smile and cringe,” she said. 

Isabella Giancarlo

“You don’t need to understand the intricacies of a relationship to feel the weight of the final words on the pies and cakes,” Giancarlo told us. “It shows that heartbreak is pretty universal in that it’s not limited by age, race, sex or sexuality.”

See more photos below and check out the artist’s Instagram to see the series unfold.

Isabella Giancarlo

Isabella Giancarlo

Isabella Giancarlo

Isabella Giancarlo

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