Image for article titled Stop Making Black Kids Read These Old-Timey Books. Consider These Black Books Instead

Photo: Youngoldman (Getty Images)

In plenty of schools around the country, students have been reading the same books for decades. Besides being just plain boring, we can’t ignore that most of these books, which are often considered classics, don’t exactly reflect Black people’s lived experience in America.

Although some US schools are attempting to add diverse titles into the mix, conservatives are working overtime to ban books that talk about slavery or anything else that might make them feel uncomfortable.

And while you won’t catch us telling anyone to ban these books completely, we wanted to make an impassioned plea to educators to take another look at their required reading lists and add Octavia Butler and Zora Neale Hurston along with J.D. Salinger and F. Scott Fitzgerald.

Check out our list of books we’d like to see more students read.