“REVOLT TV will air an emotionally gripping 90-minute special film Chicago Love on November 26, 2014. Created by Sean “Diddy” Combs and produced by REVOLT CEO Keith Clinkscales and head of news Rahman Dukes, the documentary, filmed over four months, separates the fact from the fiction and explores the many causes behind the city of Chicago’s challenges. On the heels of recent protests and violence in the Midwest, more specifically Ferguson and the grand jury decision, this heart-felt documentary aims to answer the question on many minds: what is happening in Chicago?
“REVOLT TV will air an emotionally gripping 90-minute special film Chicago Love on November 26, 2014. Created by Sean “Diddy” Combs and produced by REVOLT CEO Keith Clinkscales and head of news Rahman Dukes, the documentary, filmed over four months, separates the fact from the fiction and explores the many causes behind the city of Chicago’s challenges. On the heels of recent protests and violence in the Midwest, more specifically Ferguson and the grand jury decision, this heart-felt documentary aims to answer the question on many minds: what is happening in Chicago?
See the original article here: