March 21 marks nine years since the first tweet ever was sent out into Cyberspace, and today we probably couldn’t imagine a world without that little blue bird to keep us informed about North West and Llamas and deceitful articles of clothing very important, worldly events. In honor of this anniversary, we’ve dug up some of your favorite celebrities’ first tweets — before they had millions of followers or any clue as to what a hashtag was. Enjoy! I am trying to figure out how to make the background a picture of my boobs October 21, 2010 apologizing to a very needy cat for being gone so …
March 21 marks nine years since the first tweet ever was sent out into Cyberspace, and today we probably couldn’t imagine a world without that little blue bird to keep us informed about North West and Llamas and deceitful articles of clothing very important, worldly events. In honor of this anniversary, we’ve dug up some of your favorite celebrities’ first tweets — before they had millions of followers or any clue as to what a hashtag was.
I am trying to figure out how to make the background a picture of my boobs
— Kate Upton (@KateUpton) October 21, 2010
apologizing to a very needy cat for being gone so long.
— Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13) December 6, 2008
I’ll be honest, just created this to say that any other "twitter-ers" aren’t me. Flattering… just not me.
— Anna Kendrick (@AnnaKendrick47) July 25, 2009
Tis my first twitt-er. Or tweet? Twit? Or tweet?
"Twit or tweet everybody." Is this anything?
— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) March 10, 2009
Sick of changing services. Genie, AOL, Hotmail, Onebox, Mac, Friendster, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter – all for the same goal: contact.
— Rider Strong (@RiderStrong) June 16, 2009
Right now I feel like Neil Armstrong. I’m takin my first step on twitter.
— Billy Ray Cyrus (@billyraycyrus) May 7, 2009
My first tweet, peeps. I apologize in advance for my slow learning curve. Nice to (sort of) meet you. It’s amazing how quickly 140 charac
— Neil Patrick Harris (@ActuallyNPH) November 16, 2009
i have come to join you pleas be gentle with me as ive been feeling vulnerable… yet implausibly, sexy
— Russell Brand (@rustyrockets) January 26, 2009
Today I interviewed a squirrel in my backyard and then threw to commercial. Somebody help me.
— Conan O’Brien (@ConanOBrien) February 24, 2010
A well-made suit gives you the illusion of a physique.
— Stephen Colbert (@StephenAtHome) September 17, 2008
is in Turkey
— 50cent (@50cent) December 19, 2008
sitting on my bus at Farm Aid. Waiting waiting. shouldn’t have had that whole burrito.
— DaveJMatthews (@DaveJMatthews) September 20, 2008
, this is the real SHAQUILLE O’NEAL
— SHAQ (@SHAQ) November 18, 2008
im super new to this twitter shit but wudup tho !……….follow me biot¢h……….wudup mak……happy bday LO……8 days of freedom..ym
— Lil Wayne WEEZY F (@LilTunechi) February 22, 2010
Just got back to my office was with Puff Talking to Chris B about all this Drama……. You?
— Vision Implementer (@Tyrese) March 16, 2009
Oh shit I’m on twitter you guys.
— Mindy Kaling (@mindykaling) March 10, 2009
I’m not sure this is a good idea….
— Kat Dennings (@OfficialKat) March 10, 2009
I love deanna russo. But not in a fan sorta way. In a, I’m sitting right next to her and she won’t stop stroking my leg, way.
— Eric Stonestreet (@ericstonestreet) March 31, 2009
— Diddy (@iamdiddy) December 18, 2008
ryan seacrest told me I had to get on Twitter. So here I am. First tweet. I feel younger already.
— James Cameron (@JimCameron) January 28, 2011
First tweet of
My life
— Hulk Hogan (@HulkHogan) August 19, 2010
I just joined Twitter! I don’t really get this site or how it works. My nuts are on fire.
— Danny DeVito (@DannyDeVito) September 5, 2009
This is the first time I am twittering and its really easy! I just invited all of my kids to twitter!
— Kris Jenner (@KrisJenner) March 10, 2009
I’m putting this up so people don’t steal my ID. Yes, this is me, but you know I’m not gonna be here often.
— Whoopi Goldberg (@WhoopiGoldberg) April 27, 2011
Original source:
Read These Celebrities’ Very First (And Very Ridiculous) Tweets