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People Across The Country Share How MLK Has Inspired Them


Today, we observe Martin Luther King, Jr. for his undeniable impact on the Civil Rights Movement, his unwavering commitment to uplifting the black community, and his inspiring messages of peace and unity which still resonate in 2016. 

To celebrate his legacy, we asked the HuffPost Black Voices community on Facebook and Twitter to tell us how King inspired them. We received numerous replies from people who highlighted just how significant King’s impact was and still is on their lives. Below are just a few of them:

“He taught me that my voice was made for others. I must own that responsibility to others to make an actual difference.” – @ImaniB12

“We’re still striving to make your dream come true. Sometime the closer we get to the dream the farther back they pull us. But I’m pushing… Happy birthday day, Dr. King.” – Shalonda Coleman

“MLK has inspired me to stand up for what I believe in and to #DreamBig.” – @jayreedblack 

“In this time when its so clear your message is [necessary] remember your life and your motto. You taught that violence is never the answer and that we must forgive those who judge us even as they hurt us and we must never be silent. That’s been a tall order. Silence is easy it never scares people, it never drives others away. Forgiveness seems easy when you aren’t hurting so much. But I keep my voice up, I forgive those who trespass against me. I’m not Christain and haven’t been in a long time but I see Christ’s wisdom in your words and your life. The wisdom of compassion, pacifism, courage, and determination shone through your life and that is a light I will never let die out. You, Martin, inspired me to stand not just for myself but for every voice out there that remains in the bondage of oppression, locked in the dark where no one can see. And I will be their voice, I will shine light to them so the world no longer sustains itself on innocent blood and suffering.” – Mohale Matsapola

“His unshakable bravery and courage in the face of all types of adversity… to never back down for what you stand for…” – Fur Ins

“This man lived up to the American ideal better than any of the Founding Fathers, some of whom actually owned other humans. Still working on loving the haters.” – James Kleinbaum

“MLK inspired me to keep pushing racial equality, not just in general but in our minds so that we are not inferior to one another.” – @K3VINWHIT3

“MLK inspired me by being a champion for economic justice and freedom.” – @OckyJ83

“By first of all… being a servant of all… and by embracing manhood, fatherhood and responsibility fearlessly.” – @carltonjbanks

“MLK Jr inspired me to not be afraid to speak up when you see injustice or mistreatment.” – @Brittan22411153

“Dr. King has been a national treasure who’s words have hung in our minds and hearts as necessary goals to achieve.” – @WmCraigBarnard

We want to know, how does King’s legacy inspire you? Leave us a comment or tweet us at @blackvoices using the hashtag #BVTellUs.

Some responses have been edited for clarity.

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