Following a cyber attack that hacked into Sony Pictures last week, five of the studio’s new films have leaked online. Unreleased features “Annie,” “Still Alice,” “Mr. Turner” and “To Write Love On Her Arms” were joined by Brad Pitt’s “Fury,” released in October, on file-sharing sites over the weekend. As Variety noted, “Fury” was among the most-pirated films with 1.2 million downloads as of Nov. 30. “The theft of Sony Pictures Entertainment content is a criminal matter, and we are working closely with law enforcement to address it,” a representative for Sony said in a statement to Variety. According to The Verge, Sony would not confirm that the leaked films, likely ripped off DVD screeners that studios send out during …

Following a cyber attack that hacked into Sony Pictures last week, five of the studio’s new films have leaked online. Unreleased features “Annie,” “Still Alice,” “Mr. Turner” and “To Write Love On Her Arms” were joined by Brad Pitt’s “Fury,” released in October, on file-sharing sites over the weekend. As Variety noted, “Fury” was among the most-pirated films with 1.2 million downloads as of Nov. 30.

“The theft of Sony Pictures Entertainment content is a criminal matter, and we are working closely with law enforcement to address it,” a representative for Sony said in a statement to Variety. According to The Verge, Sony would not confirm that the leaked films, likely ripped off DVD screeners that studios send out during awards season, were part of the initial hack.

Thus far, “Fury” has made $171 million around the world. “Still Alice” and “Mr. Turner,” both Sony Pictures Classics releases, are not expected to make big inroads at the box office. The family film “Annie” is due out in theaters on Dec. 19. Variety reports that it has been downloaded more than 206,000 times so far. “To Write Love On Her Arms” is due out in theaters next year.

The one other major release Sony has set for the end of 2014, “The Interview” with Seth Rogen and James Franco, was not leaked online. That film focuses on two entertainment journalists trying to kill North Korea leader Kim Jong Un. As Re/code reported on Friday, Sony was investigating whether the initial hack was done on behalf of North Korea. The North Korean government had previously slammed Sony for the production of the comedy.

“The act of making and screening such a movie that portrays an attack on our top leadership … is a most wanton act of terror and act of war, and is absolutely intolerable,” a North Korea spokesperson was quoted as saying back in June.

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New Sony Movies Leak Online Following Hack