Applying to college is more competitive than ever before. With elite schools rejecting up to 95 percent of applicants, there’s a lot of pressure to get top-notch grades, participate in a million extracurriculars, nail the SATs, and then, write the perfect admissions essay. Your personal statement is your opportunity to put a face, or rather, your story behind those standardized tests, AP scores and GPA. You have just a few hundred words to stand out. Chances are, you put a lot of time into your essay… but what happens after you click “submit”? We’re guessing that once you’re done applying, your essay is yesterday’s trash. But we believe you are more than just a Word…
Applying to college is more competitive than ever before. With elite schools rejecting up to 95 percent of applicants, there’s a lot of pressure to get top-notch grades, participate in a million extracurriculars, nail the SATs, and then, write the perfect admissions essay.
Your personal statement is your opportunity to put a face, or rather, your story behind those standardized tests, AP scores and GPA. You have just a few hundred words to stand out. Chances are, you put a lot of time into your essay… but what happens after you click “submit”? We’re guessing that once you’re done applying, your essay is yesterday’s trash.
But we believe you are more than just a Word document saved onto your desktop or a file sitting in some college’s computer database. Your story deserves to be told and we want you to share it on HuffPost Teen.
The College Essay Project is a place for you to showcase the hard work and creativity that went into your college essay — regardless of whether or not you got into your “dream” school.
If you are a high school senior or graduated after 2010, send us your essay to and spread the word.
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