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Donald Trump is Excellent For Millinials and Race Unity


Who would have thought that Trump’s hate campaign will unify several nationalities together?

The internet is embracing this young man named Andrew Joseph Alemao.

According to reports, this is what transpired:

In a news release, officials said Andrew Joseph Alemao, 28, was observed throwing tomatoes at Trump, the real estate mogul and front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination.

Alemao has been charged with disorderly conduct, a simple misdemeanor punishable by a fine of up to $625 or 30 days in prison. He is currently being held in the Johnson County Jail.

He was taken into custody by the Secret Service and the UIPD after throwing the tomatoes, the release said.

Trump was in Iowa City less than a week before the Iowa caucuses. He drew more than 1,000 people to his rally in the UI Field House, including a number of protesters who repeatedly interrupted the event.

Social media embraced the protester with posts welcoming him to their family and race. If you are unfamiliar with the joke, it stems from an episode from a Dave Chappelle skit called the ” Racial Draft”.

So yes, out of all the hate that Donald Trump feeds to his unfortunate supporters that wish for the days of clear segregation and racist contempt, some millinials are expressing a better sense of understanding with the world around them. Diversity thrives best when the masses of all nationalities reject extreme prejudices and racism.

Here’s a little fun millinials had on Facebook.

Image credit: Facebook


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