Florida school shooting aftermath

Source: Anadolu Agency / Getty

An Elgin, Illinois, woman is dead after police shot her after pulling her over on a local highway.

According to the Chicago TribuneDecynthia Clements, 34, was killed earlier this month after she refused to exit her SUV after being pulled over. Police claim they shot her after she reportedly pulled out a knife and set fire to her SUV. Her autopsy reports she was shot multiple times.

Protesters marched outside of the Elgin Police Department last week and over the weekend fearing a department cover-up.

While the state of Illinois doesn’t want for the footage of her shooting to be released, Elgin Chief of Police Jeff Swoboda believes the community deserves an answer about what happened to Decynthia.

“It is against the preference of the Illinois State Police to release the video, but our community needs answers,” he said.

There will likely be “hours” of video released, with multiple feeds from both body and squad cameras, Swoboda said after issuing the post. No decision has been made on how it will be released, he said in a statement.

While no other details of what happened in the video has been released, what we do know is that Clements’ family will see the footage before the public does.
Lt. Christian Jensen, the officer that shot Clements, is currently on paid administrative leave as the state police investigate whether his actions were justified and followed department protocol.
A separate Tribune article reported that Clements’s family members claimed Decynthia “was an Elgin native who had several minor run-ins with the law but was a loving woman who liked to be the ‘life of the party.’”

“There was no reason for this, to do that to her,” her uncle told the paper.

“She was a good girl. There was no reason to kill her, what Elgin did to her. It was unjustifiable, to me, but I am not the law and I can’t say,” why the shooting occurred, he said.

This is a developing story and we will provide updates as they become available.


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