Tensions were high in Ferguson, Missouri, early Thursday morning following the shooting of two local police officers outside the Ferguson Police Department. The shooting took place amid protests that followed the announcement of police Chief Thomas Jackson’s resignation. The act of violence has caused local and national civil rights leaders to condemn the shooting, including St. Louis community activist John Gaskin III, who reportedly deemed the attack “disgraceful and cowardly.” According to the Associated Press, Gaskin said that activists “cannot afford these kinds of incidents happening, because that gets us absolutely nowhere.” A spokesman for Rev. Al Sharpton, who has been a prominent activist voice in Ferguson, told…
Tensions were high in Ferguson, Missouri, early Thursday morning following the shooting of two local police officers outside the Ferguson Police Department. The shooting took place amid protests that followed the announcement of police Chief Thomas Jackson’s resignation.
The act of violence has caused local and national civil rights leaders to condemn the shooting, including St. Louis community activist John Gaskin III, who reportedly deemed the attack “disgraceful and cowardly.”
According to the Associated Press, Gaskin said that activists “cannot afford these kinds of incidents happening, because that gets us absolutely nowhere.” A spokesman for Rev. Al Sharpton, who has been a prominent activist voice in Ferguson, told AP that Sharpton opposes violence of any kind, especially against police.
Both officers have reportedly been released from the hospital.
Check out more reactions on the Ferguson police shooting below.
Violence against police is unacceptable. Our prayers are with the officers in MO. Path to justice is one all of us must travel together. –bo
— The White House (@WhiteHouse) March 12, 2015
We can’t allow people to hijack the peaceful non violent movement that’s build momentum for nearly 200 days #Ferguson #BlackTwitter
— John Gaskin III (@johngaskinstl) March 12, 2015
Our hearts go out to everyone in #Ferguson this morning.
— The Dream Defenders (@Dreamdefenders) March 12, 2015
Woke up to disturbing News in my city. #Ferguson is going thru very stressful times. But let’s not attempt to solve Violence with Violence !
— CedricTheEntertainer (@CedEntertainer) March 12, 2015
So now cops are being shot at damn. By failing to give Darren Wilson due process, Ferguson authorities have endangered their own.
— Talib Kweli Greene (@TalibKweli) March 12, 2015
Shame on few morally wrong & politically stupid outliers targeting cops. Don’t snatch defeat from jaws of victory. RESPECT LIFE. #Ferguson
— Van Jones (@VanJones68) March 12, 2015
My thoughts and prayers for the two police officers injured and shot in #StLouis. #Ferguson
It’s time to rebuild trust and work together.
— Donna Brazile (@donnabrazile) March 12, 2015
We need peace and love on this planet, in our communities, no matter who we are. Hate and violence are not the solutions. Never will be.
— Kevin Powell (@kevin_powell) March 12, 2015
Community Activists React To ‘Disgraceful And Cowardly’ Ferguson Police Shooting