The latest installment of CNN’s “Black in America” documentary series will focus on how the lives of young, black men are impacted by aggressive policing tactics such as stop-and-frisk. Titled “Black & Blue” and reported by Soledad O’Brien, the documentary will feature discussions with men who have been “frisked without cause as many as 100 times,” as well as interviews with NYPD officers and New York City police commissioner William Bratton. “What is so shocking is that this police practice was used around the country — and in some places still is — with the theory that police were stopping criminals,” O’Brien said in a statement. “It’s shocking that the city where this was popularized was stopping so many…

The latest installment of CNN’s “Black in America” documentary series will focus on how the lives of young, black men are impacted by aggressive policing tactics such as stop-and-frisk.

Titled “Black & Blue” and reported by Soledad O’Brien, the documentary will feature discussions with men who have been “frisked without cause as many as 100 times,” as well as interviews with NYPD officers and New York City police commissioner William Bratton.

“What is so shocking is that this police practice was used around the country — and in some places still is — with the theory that police were stopping criminals,” O’Brien said in a statement. “It’s shocking that the city where this was popularized was stopping so many innocent people.”

The trailer for “Black & Blue” begins with footage of Eric Garner, the Staten Island man who died earlier this year after being put in a chokehold by police officers, and features Bratton likening the NYPD’s handling of high-crime areas under Commissioner Raymond Kelly to General David Petraeus’ “surge” in Iraq.

As images of NYPD officers strutting down darkened city blocks roll, O’Brien puts it bluntly:

“On New York streets there is a battle unfolding of black versus blue.”

“Black in America: Black & Blue – Soledad O’Brien Reports” premieres Tuesday, Nov. 18, at 9 p.m. ET on CNN.

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CNN To Premiere New Installment Of ‘Black In America’ Series, ‘Black & Blue’