This reaction to a local teen getting into college will definitely put a smile on your face!

According to the Huffington Post, on Dec. 8, high school senior Brendon Gauthier found out that he got accepted into the prestigious Cornell University—and he did so surrounded by his friends and family.

It was just the most nervous I’ve felt through all my 17 years of living,” Gauthier told The Cornell Daily Sun.“Typing on the computer was very slow to what I normally do.

When they got the great news while hovering over his laptop, the Louisiana-native and his loved ones immediately jumped up and down and cheered. The teen was so excited that he even jumped into the arms of the man standing beside him. 

And thankfully for the rest of us, Gauthier’s school TM Landry College Prep, shared a video of the event on their Facebook page, which quickly went viral garnering over 5 million views factoring in Youtube and the Because of Them We Can FB page that shared the video too. 

Gauthier said he was overwhelmed with joy because the Ivy League school was his number one choice. He also told the newspaper that the video didn’t capture everything that happened.

What’s not in there is me crying,” he said. “As soon as I got to my family, I immediately just broke down. Whenever I saw them, I saw my history — I saw my life throughout 17 years and all the trials and tribulations that I went through.”

People see that positive end result, but I would definitely like to say that it did not come easy,” he continued. “Nothing on this grand of a scale comes easy. Everything that has led to this moment was hard.”

The 17-year-old stressed that this accomplishment wasn’t just for him, but was for his mother who worked a low-wage job and sacrificed a lot for her son to succeed.

If I didn’t want [a good grade] for myself, I damn sure wanted it for my mom,” Gauthier told the Sun. “If I don’t succeed, then I’m letting her down. … That’s what’s always fueled my drive: to get my family in a better situation.”

And Gauthier has big plans for his futurehe wants to become a veterinarian.

Congrats, Brendon! 


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