Beyoncé gave a sweet shout-out to North West after sitting next to her and mama Kim Kardashian at Kanye West’s New York Fashion Week show for Adidas. The “Flawless” singer posted a snapshot of her, North and Kardashian seated in the front row for the showcase of West’s collaboration with Adidas at the Skylight Clarkson SQ during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Thursday night in New York City. In the photo, the 1-year-old glances at Beyoncé’s red fur bag. “Beautiful Princess North,” Beyoncé captioned the pic. A photo posted by Beyoncé (@beyonce) on Feb 13, 2015 at 9:08am PST Beyoncé was there to support West with Jay Z, Rihanna, Diddy, Cassie and Anna Wintour. During the show, North…
Beyoncé gave a sweet shout-out to North West after sitting next to her and mama Kim Kardashian at Kanye West’s New York Fashion Week show for Adidas.
The “Flawless” singer posted a snapshot of her, North and Kardashian seated in the front row for the showcase of West’s collaboration with Adidas at the Skylight Clarkson SQ during Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Thursday night in New York City. In the photo, the 1-year-old glances at Beyoncé’s red fur bag.
“Beautiful Princess North,” Beyoncé captioned the pic.
Beyoncé was there to support West with Jay Z, Rihanna, Diddy, Cassie and Anna Wintour.
During the show, North cried a little and Kardashian took her backstage. Although she missed the main show, North got to hang out with her “One and Only” daddy as he carried her through the venue.
Original post:
Beyoncé Shares Adorable Photo Of Kim Kardashian And ‘Princess’ North