It’s been more than three months since Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson shot an unarmed black teenager named Michael Brown. The young man’s death sparked protests around the country, and a national debate on race and the role of law enforcement in the United States unfolded in the news and on social media. Ahead of the grand jury’s decision this week not to indict Wilson for killing 18-year-old Brown, artist Molly Crabapple released a stunning time-lapse video that documents — in a series of handmade illustrations — the unrest that has unfolded since August 9. The four-minute clip, titled “How Ferguson Showed Us The Truth About Police,” reveals the power of art activism today. Crabapple is known for combining the visual potency of illustration with …
It’s been more than three months since Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson shot an unarmed black teenager named Michael Brown. The young man’s death sparked protests around the country, and a national debate on race and the role of law enforcement in the United States unfolded in the news and on social media.
Ahead of the grand jury’s decision this week not to indict Wilson for killing 18-year-old Brown, artist Molly Crabapple released a stunning time-lapse video that documents — in a series of handmade illustrations — the unrest that has unfolded since August 9. The four-minute clip, titled “How Ferguson Showed Us The Truth About Police,” reveals the power of art activism today.
Crabapple is known for combining the visual potency of illustration with on-the-ground reporting to create unique coverage of global events. From images of refugee camps in Syria to Guantanamo Bay to labor camps in Abu Dhabi, her paintings and sketches stand as moving portraits of the injustices occurring around the world.
“On August 9th, Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson shot a black teenager named Mike Brown,” Crabapple narrates in the video above. “Since then, the city has been protesting. The police did not react well.”
See more here –
Artist Molly Crabapple Explains How Ferguson Revealed The Truth About Police In America