It feels like yesterday, Sasha Obama was just a precocious 7-year-old moving into the White House and now the 15-year-old is all grown up working her very first summer job.

Now, it’s not at a fancy country club or interning on Capitol Hill, but working the takeout counter at Nancy’s, a seafood joint in Martha’s VineyardAccording to The Boston Herald, Sasha’s been been learning the ropes of the service industry working the cash register, busing tables and prepping the restaurant before it opens for lunch. Working under her full name “Natasha,” the teenager has four-hour shifts, signing off before the 11:30am lunch shift starts. 

Of course, security has been extra tight, which initially shocked her coworkers, who didn’t know who she was at first.

“She’s been working downstairs at takeout,” a Nancy’s server told the newspaper.  “We were wondering why there were six people helping this girl, but then we found out who it was.”

So…how did she get this job?

First, The First Family loves Nancy’s and usually eats there when they vacation in the area, plus they know the owner Joe Moujabber. Now, Sasha won’t be for the entire month. Word on the street is that her last day will be on Saturday as she’ll join her folks, President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama and sister Malia Obama for their annual two-week vacation on the Vineyard. 

Either way, it’s always refreshing to see how normal, humble and grounded the Obamas daughters have been over the years in the spotlight. 

And of course folks brought the jokes:

And sadly, the haters came out of the woodworks to shade the Obamas for having the audacity to teach their children to be responsible and the importance of holding down a job. But don’t worry, folks was ready to clapback:


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