I LOVE social media! It allows me to connect with new people every day, expand my brand, promote events and sell products/services. In other words, social media is a huge part of my livelihood. However, it is not the end all be all. Advanced technology has spoiled us to the point where we spend more time in front of a laptop, tablet or cell phone than we do with the people we love. We’ll Skype instead of plan a visit to connect in person; we’ll text instead of call and let a person hear our voice. We often allow social media to consume us and it’s…
I LOVE social media! It allows me to connect with new people every day, expand my brand, promote events and sell products/services. In other words, social media is a huge part of my livelihood. However, it is not the end all be all. Advanced technology has spoiled us to the point where we spend more time in front of a laptop, tablet or cell phone than we do with the people we love.
We’ll Skype instead of plan a visit to connect in person; we’ll text instead of call and let a person hear our voice. We often allow social media to consume us and it’s not healthy. Many of us spend a significant amount of time on social media, but would much rather spend that time with our family members, friends and the people we love.
Better yet, we would love to give our time to charity work in our community. No matter how advanced technology gets, there will never be a substitute for one’s physical presence. Once we leave this earth, there will be photos, videos and literature that represent a part of our existence, but we can never get that time back. We will never have the chance to tell the people we love that we love them, or embrace them in our arms, or look them in their eyes. Our reason for being on this earth isn’t to build up a social media following or make millions of dollars. No, our purpose is to add value to the world that we all will one day have to part from. We don’t know when our last day will be, but when it comes, we should be right in the middle of fulfilling our purpose.
Sometimes we know what our purpose in life is, but there are some things that are standing in the way of fulfilling it. We all have our demons, and are addicted to something that depletes our energy, our time and our resources to the point where we feel stuck and unable to move forward. These are chains that need to be broken so that you can be the BEST person you can be. Being the best person you can be isn’t about glamour, it’s not about fitness, it’s not about wealth, it’s about the spirit behind who you are and the reason why you breath. If you can master the art of showing the world why you live, why you breathe, your life will be filled with purpose every second of every day. And you will not only live a great life, but you will inspire more people than you know to do the same long after you’re gone.
For the next 40 days, I will be giving up social media so that I can focus on my relationship with God, and what he wants me to do next. I’ve had a friend change my passwords so that I won’t be tempted. My hope is that I will return with more discipline, greater focus and a stronger sense of leadership. I encourage you all to give up something that is consuming your time, consuming your focus and holding you back from reaching your NEXT level. Maybe it’s food, sex, drugs, alcohol, sweets, shopping, etc. Whatever it is, use this time to look beyond the surface and answer a greater calling on your life. #BreakEveryChain
Watch this video. What are you giving up? Post your comments below. #BreakEveryChain #Lent
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