1. Good one. We see purple and black, if you were wondering. February 27, 2015 2. Nice. The dress is red and black. February 27, 2015 3. Hah! Pretty sure the dress is purple and gold… #justsaying February 27, 2015 4. Oh, you. #TheDress looks silver and blue to us. February 27, 2015 5. Zing! There is no debating the color of this! pic.twitter.com/TihAau2GRn February 27, 2015 6. Classic. Doesn’t matter if it’s blue/black or white/gold, they still taste delicious. #thedress pic.twitter.com/Oq8srrAKnd February 27, 2015 7. Got ’em! idk what color that dress is but pancakes are definitely gold and butter is definitely white February 27, 2015 8. Ka-boom! It’s black. End of discussion. #ElevationEdition #TheDress pic.twitter…

1. Good one.

2. Nice.

3. Hah!

4. Oh, you.

5. Zing!

6. Classic.

7. Got ’em!

8. Ka-boom!

9. Ka-blam!

10. Ka-wow!

11. Ka-huh?

12. There we go!

13. There it is!

14. Yes.

15. Yes!

16. YES!

17. YES!!!

18. Love it.

19. Hah, yes!

20. Good one, guys.

21. Amiright?

22. LOL!

23. Here we go!

24. Now that’s comedy.

25. #True.

26. Hahahahaha.

27. Ohhhhhh, yes.

28. It’s funny because it’s true!

29. Dying.

30. I can’t even!

Link to article:  

30 Original Jokes About #TheDress