Sexism can be hard to point out when it’s so engrained in our everyday lives. Clementine Ford, however, found an awesome way to highlight casual sexism with a simple hashtag. Ford, a columnist for Daily Life Australian, took to Twitter on Feb. 2 to ask a pointed question about the sexism she faces at work. Question to the male writers/speakers etc out there. Is it common for you to be called an ‘attention seeker’? Or do just women get that? February 3, 2015 #QuestionsForMen: When you have a hostile disagreement with someone, is it common for them to say you’re angry because no one will fuck you? February 3, 2015 The tweet and hashtag inspired…
Sexism can be hard to point out when it’s so engrained in our everyday lives. Clementine Ford, however, found an awesome way to highlight casual sexism with a simple hashtag.
Ford, a columnist for Daily Life Australian, took to Twitter on Feb. 2 to ask a pointed question about the sexism she faces at work.
Question to the male writers/speakers etc out there. Is it common for you to be called an ‘attention seeker’? Or do just women get that?
— Clementine Ford (@clementine_ford) February 3, 2015
#QuestionsForMen: When you have a hostile disagreement with someone, is it common for them to say you’re angry because no one will fuck you?
— Clementine Ford (@clementine_ford) February 3, 2015
The tweet and hashtag inspired other women on social media to pose their own #QuestionsForMen. As smart feminist hashtags often do, #QuestionsForMen quickly picked up steam. The conversations ranged from how women need to approach their careers differently than men, to worrying about the dangers of walking home too late, and the fact that the government still has some control over women’s bodies.
Both women and men began tweeting the hashtag with their own questions about catcalling, sexual harassment and other issues women are forced to deal with on a daily basis. Here are 16 of our favorite #QuestionsForMen tweets:
Have you ever been told your business ideas are cute? #QuestionsForMen
— Elena Sheppard (@eleshepp) February 4, 2015
#QuestionsForMen Are you comfy with the federal government & Christian conservatives holding decision making parties in your “boy” parts?
— Heather McChesney (@ImTheChez) February 3, 2015
#questionsformen do you walk home with your keys placed in between your fingers? are you constantly looking over your shoulder?
— gweneth (@spiritualvodka) February 3, 2015
@clementine_ford #QuestionsForMen how often do you have to fake laugh at stupid/cringey/creepy/sexist things older men say regarding you?
— Mikey Nicholson (@Mikey_Nicholson) February 3, 2015
#QuestionsForMen have you ever been late to work because you’ve had to change streets 5 times in 5minutes to avoid being catcalled by women?
— Amanda B (@theamandaohman) February 3, 2015
Do women jump into your face calling you fat, ugly, or that you “should get raped” for expressing an opinion online? #questionsformen
— CrazySexyEnby (@FedoraHippie) February 3, 2015
#QuestionsForMen When out having a few beers, have you ever said “no” to a woman & then been hassled by her for the rest of the night?
— ~Isabella Rose~ (@IsabellaEscort) February 4, 2015
#questionsformen In a job interview have you ever been asked how you will juggle work and home?
— Jane Caro (@JaneCaro) February 3, 2015
Do you get told ‘you’ll change your mind eventually’ when you say you don’t want to have children? #QuestionsforMen
— Chelsea Ayling (@chelseaayling) February 3, 2015
#questionsformen anyone not hire you on the basis of “you’re a man – you’ll be having a family soon and need to devote time to that.” ?
— Paula Roe (@paulawrites) February 3, 2015
Do you send your mates a message to let them know you’ve gotten home safely? #questionsformen
— Chelsea Ayling (@chelseaayling) February 3, 2015
If you take a leadership position, do you worry about being seen as bossy? Are you called bossy? #questionsformen
— Erin Riley (@erinrileyau) February 3, 2015
#questionsformen when you achieve something great, do you expect the female reporter to say, ‘give us a twirl, who are you wearing?’
— Kirsty Webeck (@KirstArific) February 3, 2015
#QuestionsForMen Have you ever been basically told that going home with a woman means that she’s entitled to rape you?
— Clementine Ford (@clementine_ford) February 3, 2015
@clementine_ford #QuestionsForMen How often are you expected to provide an explanation for why you didn’t change your name to your wife’s?
— Kate Balme (@KateBalme) February 3, 2015
Have you ever had a coworker refer to you as sweetheart? #QuestionsForMen
— Julianne Ross (@JulianneRoss) February 3, 2015
H/T Buzzfeed
16 Questions For Men That Reveal The Casual Sexism Women Experience Every Day